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Cohuna Golf Bowls Notes November 1

WELL we’ve made it to round one of Northern District pennant bowls, and one can hear the collective sighs of relief and anticipation right across the region.

Without the traditional pre-season practice matches we have had to rely on good attendances at practice sessions, and our members certainly obliged.

The Ones and Div 2 Navy are both at home on Saturday, whilst the Whites and the Threes travel to Leitchville and Gunbower respectively.

Good luck to all participants, and especially those having their first game of pennant with the club.

Costs this year are $10 on Saturday, and $8 for midweek and social bowls.

Although organised bowls has been restricted, we managed to keep our practice pairs alive, and were able this week to play in competitive fashion.

Winners of the poultry were Alan Holmes and Tony Williams, with the repechage award going the way of Ron Eckhardt and Mal Hogan.

The jackpot number was plus 28, no starters so we’re looking at $70 next week.

The Gunbower names are pretty prominent, reflecting their solid support through all the restricted times, and ensuring a capacity field.

Speaking of Gunbower, several of our members have been travelling south to join in their Saturday practice sessions, being warmly welcomed by all present.

Let’s hope the combined Gunny Golfers Division Three side is as successful as last season.

Also able to commence this week is the popular Wednesday night competition.

It’s a roll-up firstly, with all attending asked to show proof of vaccination before play.

Teams for the ongoing season will be put together from everyone indicating their willingness to compete.

We are having an informal sausage sizzle on Thursday prior to play in the pairs, and a fancier version on Friday evening after practice.

All welcome but double vaccinations are a necessity.

Great to see a few singles matches completed this week - keep ahead of the set dates and we’ll be well finished before Christmas.

Anyone keen to play in the 60 and over pairs are reminded that entries close this Wednesday.

Looking forward, our Nutrien Christmas Hams tourney is set for November 29th, whilst our Classic Fours Star Day is back again, listed for December 12.

Entries for both to Peter or Mick.