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Dental Anxiety: What causes it & how can we overcome it?

It’s all too common - at the very thought of going to the dentist, a knot tightens in your stomach, your heart starts racing, your palms start sweating, and you tell yourself you'd rather endure a toothache than step into that dental chair. You're not alone, and no, this isn’t something that only children experience. Dental anxiety is a global experience for millions of adults, casting a shadow over what should be a routine part of dental care. 

But have you stopped to consider what exactly causes this fear? And more importantly, how can we conquer it to ensure our oral health doesn't suffer in the long-run? Today, take a deeper look into the fear behind going to the dentist, and how you can use that information to make your next visit to a dentist in Epping or your local suburb a walk in the park, and overcome your dental anxiety once and for all.

The Root Of Dental Anxiety 

So what exactly causes dental anxiety among so many people across the globe? There are several reasons — both psychological and physical — that can cause fear or anxiety around dental care. For some, it may be the fear of pain, either stemming from a past experience of dental pain, or simply the thought of how uncomfortable some procedures may feel. While for others, it may be a perceived loss of control and feelings of vulnerability at the dental office. 

Additionally, many people also find the sights, sounds, or smells of the office are less than comforting. These may include the whirring sound of the drill, the less than appealing aroma of disinfectants, or the mere sight of a sharp instrument. And of course, fear of judgement about the condition of our teeth is a real thing…we’ve all been there. The possibility of being told off (albeit gently) for neglecting dental hygiene, receiving a lecture on flossing, or being faced with extensive treatments can certainly stoke that fear.

The Importance Of Kicking Dental Anxiety To The Curb 

While it's difficult to face, it's important to confront your dental anxiety head on - because oral health plays a critical role in our overall well-being. The uncomfortable truth is that neglecting dental care opens the door to a laundry list of issues, from minor discomfort, to debilitating pain, to potentially life-threatening complications including oral cancer

Imagine the agony of a chronic toothache that chips away at your sanity, or the loss of confidence from a smile riddled with cavities and missing teeth. Beyond cosmetic concerns, untreated dental issues can worsen to create more serious problems — infections, gum disease, and a plethora of systemic health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

Finally, let’s not forget the financial toll of dental neglect. The cost of emergency dental procedures or extensive treatments to correct long standing problems far outweigh the cost of regular check-ups and taking care of minor issues before they worsen. So, tackling the issue of dental anxiety is not just about overcoming fears — it’s about protecting your health and ensuring a future without pain. Take the steps to overcoming dental anxiety today, and your entire body will reap the rewards in the long-run.

Overcoming Dental Anxiety

Fortunately, there are numerous strategies to help overcome dental anxiety and make visits to the dentist a more bearable experience. We’ll discuss 5 easy methods below.

1. Open Communication 

Establishing open communication with your dentist is crucial. Express your fears and concerns openly, allowing your dentist to tailor their approach to accommodate your needs. Knowing that you’re being heard and understood can alleviate a significant amount of anxiety. Don’t forget that dentists will encounter nervous patients every day, so by giving them a heads up, they’ll know how to calm your nerves.

2. Gradual Exposure

If dental anxiety is severe, consider gradual exposure to the environment. Start with short visits for non-invasive procedures – or simply to meet with the dental team and become familiar with the surroundings. Gradually increasing exposure can help desensitise you to the triggers of anxiety, as your body learns that there is nothing to be afraid of.

3. Relaxation Techniques

Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or visualisation to calm your nerves before and during dental appointments. Many dental offices also offer amenities like soothing music, scented candles or aromatherapy to create a more relaxed atmosphere.

4. Consider Sedation Dentistry 

In cases of extreme anxiety, sedation dentistry may be a viable option. Various levels of sedation – from mild to deep – are available to help patients relax during dental procedures. Discussing these options with your dentist can help determine the most suitable approach for you.

5. Seek Support

If your dental anxiety feels overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek support from friends, family, support groups, or therapy. Sharing your experiences and receiving encouragement from others who can relate or professional experts can provide invaluable reassurance. Whilst having an extreme phobia of going to the dentist may be rare, if it is the case for you, it’s better to get it professionally treated than pretend it doesn’t exist.

In A Nutshell 

At the end of the day, dental anxiety should never dictate your ability to take care of your smile. Instead, take a moment to better understand the root causes of your fears and implement effective coping strategies to conquer your concerns and take control of your oral care.

Don’t forget, you’re not in this fight alone. Your dental team is right alongside you, every step of the way, to encourage a healthier, happier grin. So take a deep breath, and march into that dental office with the tips we’ve shared behind you. Your smile will thank you – and your entire well-being will too.