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The Power of Consistency in Business: A Guide For Aussie Entrepreneurs

When it comes to building up your own business, there are few factors that are arguably more important than consistency. It’s not enough to do great work: you’ve got to do it again, and again, and again. And this applies across all the many departments that make up your organisation as well. From your marketing or product development teams, to your HR department or all the other project groups that keep your business operational, consistency is vital. 

Fittingly, consistency also happens to be a key pillar of brand loyalty. Customers will only trust your business if they know that they’re getting the same thing every time they buy from you. Creating uniform processes throughout the company also makes life a lot easier for you and your employees, as you won’t need to reinvent the wheel all the time. 

If you’re looking to harness the power of consistency to grow your business, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll take a look at four key pillars of business consistency and how you can use them to your advantage. 

Certify Your Business 

Applying and receiving certifications incentivises your business to meet and maintain certain established standards. An example is the ISO 9001 Quality Management System Standard, which is a set of internationally recognised standards that ensure a business’ leadership has processes in place to assess risks and opportunities – all with the final goal of delivering a high-quality product to its customers on a consistent basis. 

The process of attaining certification like the ISO 9001:2005 Quality Management System Standard involves internal audits of your business, primarily to identity existing gaps and rectify them in time for your formal external audit. The external audit (conducted by a registered ISO accreditation agency) will then determine whether or not your business has succeeded in reaching and maintaining these international quality management standards.

Receiving certifications from organisations like the ISO proves to your stakeholders that your business has systems in place to operate consistently. And as larger enterprises typically do background checks on businesses before signing tenders, maintaining your ISO certification can also often qualify you to receive certain contracts and boost your company’s stock among investors. 

Invest In Quality Control

The last thing you want for your business is an inconsistent product. This is why quality control is absolutely essential to ensuring that all your customers get to experience the best version of what you’re selling. 

Quality control starts during manufacturing. If you own your own factories, it’s important to conduct regular inspections to ensure that best practices are being followed and that the factories are sanitary. You also need to ensure that your factory workers meet a minimum training requirement. 

If you outsource part or all of your manufacturing, you first want to select suppliers with a strong reputation for quality work and who can deliver the quantities you need on time. Get to know key decision-makers before choosing to determine whether your communication styles align and ask for samples to test for quality. Once you’ve decided on suppliers, you’ll need to conduct regular quality checks in-house to ensure that standards are being maintained. 

Align Your Marketing Team

Marketing is central to your business’ success. In order to deliver your message effectively to your target audience, it’s important to ensure that your entire marketing team is aligned when it comes to things like the timelines of specific campaigns, key visuals to use and the overall message you want to convey.

A consistent brand gives the general public a strong sense of who you are and what you offer. This gives your products value that is completely independent of their physical qualities. A distinct brand is one of the most effective ways to separate you from your competitors and build loyalty among your buyers. 

Prioritise Standard Ways Of Working From The Bottom Up

A business is only as good as the individuals who make it up. Creating systems and guidelines that maximise your employees’ skills is an important component of getting your company to function efficiently.

Part of this is using the same key tools throughout the company and ensuring that your employees are all familiar with them. For example, you don’t want some people using Zoom and others using Google Meets. Pick one, set up a business account for your team and enforce its usage company-wide. Similarly, you want to stick with a single official messaging app. Lots of companies use Slack, for instance. 

Helping your employees work more efficiently can be as simple as providing them with stationery they can use to stay organised. You also want to empower them to ask questions when they get stuck to avoid bottlenecks. Make sure they know who they can turn to with specific problems and create an environment where they’re comfortable enough to seek help. 


Consistency is one of the most powerful tools available to an Aussie business. It’s what ensures that your customers receive the same product/service every time they buy from you, and what gives investors and employees confidence that your current success is replicable in the future. 

We’ve just gone through some key ways you can ensure that your business is operating effectively all the time. If you haven’t already, begin implementing these strategies now, and watch your business grow as a result. 

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