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River risk at start of Murray Cod season

THE fishing community may need to hit the road to participate in the re-opening of Murray Cod season.

Murray Cod season is closed between September and November, barring a few exceptions, to allow for breeding.

The Environmental Protection Authority of Victoria has urged the fishing community to avoid taking fish from the Murray River due to increased risks of contaminants and bacteria in the water.

Victorian Fisheries Authority chief executive Travis Dowling said people should check where it is safe to fish.

“We urge everyone to plan ahead, do their homework on river conditions and if in doubt, head to safer destinations such as Lake Eildon, Taylors Lake near Horsham, or Rocklands Reservoir out west,” Mr Dowling said.

“We all love Murray cod and season opening is a social occasion on the calendar, but it’s not worth risking the safety of loves ones including family and friends.”

Several varieties of native fish have died on the Murray River over the past month as blackwater from flooding events has reduced oxygen levels to critically low levels.