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Is nursing a high-demand industry in Australia?

The short answer: Yes. Very much so. The nursing industry is one of the largest workforces in Australia, employing over 450,000 people. And soon you could be one of those people.

2020 taught us the value of nurses. In many ways, they are the backbone of the healthcare industry. In addition to using their expertise to provide medical treatment to patients, they provide emotional support to both patients and loved ones as they battle difficult circumstances. Nurses truly put the “care” in their career.

The world of nursing has evolved enormously over the years. It has existed in some form for hundreds of years and will continue to exist for many years more. Nurses have gone from providing comfort and emotional support to being trained medical experts performing both straightforward and complex procedures on patients in addition to traditional care and comfort. It has grown rapidly in recent history, growing almost 90% in Australia between 2000 and 2020 according to the NSC. And it has not finished growing. In fact, it has only just begun.

Why are nurses in such high demand?

Everyone needs healthcare, and nurses come in so many forms that every single Australian has most likely encountered a nurse at some point. Nurses are present throughout every stage of life. They’re involved in births, deaths, and everything in between.

In the 21st century, they’re needed more than ever. Currently, Australia is experiencing an ageing population, unprecedented rates of chronic and complex illness and disability, and rising numbers of people seeking help for mental health issues.

Despite the 18 per cent surge in nursing registrations over the last four years, we’re seeing dwindling numbers of nurses due mainly to pandemic burnout, reduced student enrolments, and a large number of nursing staff leaving their former positions to work on the frontlines of the pandemic. Moreover, as the Baby Boomer generation ages into retirement, we will lose a massive chunk of our nursing workforce.

Technology is yet another factor affecting the nursing industry in both negative and positive ways. While modern technology has been hugely beneficial in healthcare, it means that nurses, particularly those who have been nursing for a long time, have had to adapt and learn new skills in order to continue their careers. This can make some feel alienated or out of their depth, but provides opportunities for tech-savvy nursing students to really shine. The demand has never been higher than it currently is for nurses with advanced skills.

The demand for nurses is set to grow exponentially by 2025 and will continue to worsen, with WHO indicating a global shortfall of healthcare workers to reach 10 million by 2030. It has never been a better time to seize the opportunity and take the first step in your nursing career. Furthermore, it has never been easier. With incentives for potential nurses and the internet making it possible to study from home, now is a great time to take the first step or advance your current skills with a postgraduate nursing degree or other training opportunities.

What does the future hold for nurses?

According to reports from the National Skills Commission, we may experience a massive shortfall over the next few years. The demand for nurses will be second only to aged and disability care workers. The healthcare industry will be under enormous pressure due to a number of factors- technological advances, an ageing population, limited resources and policy changes are all contributors to this. The aftermath of the pandemic didn’t help either: in addition to adding new layers of stress to the healthcare industry, it exacerbated existing flaws.

Despite all of this, the future is bright for the nursing industry. This is a rewarding industry where you will never find yourself unable to get a job. There is no shortage of opportunities for employment, fulfilment, friendship, education and drama. Becoming a nurse means joining a community full of people who have dedicated their careers to the very same things you are passionate about. This career has attracted many hundreds of thousands of Australians and for good reason.

Should you pursue a career in nursing?

Nursing is a versatile career. With so many specialties to choose from you have the power to choose how you will spend your days. Whether you want to work in Australia or overseas, in a bustling hospital or a private home, caring for newborn babies, injured people or senior citizens- it’s all up to you. Nurses are needed in all corners of the globe. They have opportunities to help disadvantaged communities, remote and rural areas, and people from all walks of life.

Nurses are more important than ever and it is the perfect time to upskill and seize the many opportunities to find success in the nursing industry. Even if you’re already a nursing pro, you may benefit from upskilling with some postgraduate study. Nurses and healthcare leaders all have a part in shaping the future of the healthcare industry. As a nurse you have a mission: should you choose to accept it, your job is to make the world a better place.

Do you have what it takes to become a nurse? It might be time to take that leap into the job of your dreams. In an industry that is constantly evolving, professionals who are adaptable, caring and level-headed are worth their weight in gold.