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In Loving Memory

In memory of Paddy Dillon

By David Mark

THANK you Marie and family for giving me the opportunity to say a few words about Paddy.

I have never met anyone who was so universally well-liked as Paddy.

I am honoured to be listed amongst his many friends.

He had a handshake that would turn coal to diamonds, and you always knew that his greeting came straight from the heart.

I can honestly say that he never let me down in any way, and I admired his integrity and Christian strength of character.

He had a great knowledge of all things mechanical.

I was fascinated by the way that a radial engine worked.

When I asked Paddy to explain it, he not only made it make sense, but he produced an exploded display and put it in the Flying Boat Museum for all to see.

Talk about going the extra mile!

I think that he ended up with many exhibits on display at the museum, with the most prized piece being the Rolls Royce Merlin engine.

He was famous for his engine start up days where people would come running as soon as he fired them up.

He was very proud of his Jeep, and made a point of keeping it in tip top condition for the ANZAC Day march, where he would be at the head the march.

He loved the sound of the siren, and he had that gleam of mischief in his eye when he let it rip.

ANZAC Day will never be the same for me from now on.

Paddy was always very generous with his time for other people - he never seemed to stop.

He would be doing six or seven things on the one day, but always managed to keep his appointments with me at the museum.

He was involved with the community in so many ways, I just don't know where he found the time to do all that he did.

He loved to restore old things, mainly vehicles and engines, but he also restored the 25 pounder cannon at the museum, the Lend Lease Chevy truck, and the Caterpillar tractor for the Lions Club.

His attention to detail was legendary and he could seem to find or make bits and pieces for all of his restoration work.

I am sure that we all will have little yarns about what Paddy did for us and others, and I have lost count of what he has done for me, the Lions Club, and the Museum.

I will remember him as a great mate, a valued mentor, and a top bloke.

Paddy, please rest in peace.

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