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Face shields not enough to protect from virus transmission

FACE shields, bandanas and scarves have been banned under new COVID restrictions.

Premier Daniel Andrews announced the change on Sunday as he announced metropolitan Melbourne’s second step out of harsh restrictions. 
When the rule was first enforced in regional Victoria on August 3, forms of face coverings other than a mask were allowed.

“Some of the concessions we made as we adjusted to this new normal — things like wearing a scarf or a bandana or a face shield — will no longer apply,” Mr Andrews said.

“Victorians will now be required to wear a fitted face mask, covering the nose and mouth.

“As I’ve said before, wearing a face covering is a small sacrifice — but it makes a huge difference in keeping all of us safe.”

A face shield may still be worn but must now be accompanied with a fitted face mask.

“You can wear one if you want, in terms of your eyes, but it would need to be accompanied by a mask,” Mr Andrews said. 

He said there would be a two-week adjustment period for people to transition to face masks.

“We don’t want people who are trying to do the right thing getting into trouble,” he said.

“We previously thought that was okay, now we believe it isn’t.”

There is a $200 fine for anyone failing to wear a correct face-covering.