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Swan Hill Gymnastics Club help needed

SWAN Hill Gymnastics Club are on a recruiting drive – but rather than looking for the next Nadia Comaneci or Simone Biles, they are searching for help running the club.

The club are in desperate need of committee members following a less than ideal response at their annual general meeting last Sunday.

With an insufficient number of attendees present, they were unable to form a committee for next year.

Founded in 1987, the club has around 160 students on their books aged between 18 months and 18 years.

Coming off a hugely successful season, which included countless gold medals in this year’s Gymstar competition in Bacchus Marsh, more assistance was needed, according to Swan Hill Gymnastics Club president Samantha McKenzie.

Four of the current eight-member committee were happy to continue on in 2023.

“Basically, we need help – all our committee are currently employed within the club, so therefore there’s a conflict of interest in a lot of areas, so we are really needing parents or family and friends to have more of an input and have their say,” McKenzie said.

“I’m sure there are people with wonderful ideas out there who could help out our club and we want to hear from you.”

While the club was certainly in desperate need of committee members, reports this week of their closure appear to be widely inaccurate, with McKenzie quick to dispel the rumours that the doors will close should assistance not be forthcoming.

“We will do everything we can to keep the doors open – the current committee are willing to continue, if need be, but we also really need some extra input,” McKenzie said.

“It’s not a big job either being a committee member of our club – we have only one meeting every three months, there’s no fundraising, no social committee, no rosters or working bees, we just need input and extra hands to help us move forward.

“We have over 160 members and all our classes are full with waiting lists, we have lots of coaches and junior coaches coming through and we’ve got training for up-and-coming coaches, we have amazing facilities with fantastic equipment – everything is all set up.

“It’s just our committee – we’re a not-for-profit organisation that needs help.”

With no resolution at Sunday’s AGM, the club will try again in the new year, with a second meeting now scheduled for February 21 next year.

McKenzie was hopeful a second attempt will garner a much more positive result.

“In terms of how many people we are looking for to fill the committee, basically, we want anyone that’s interested,” McKenzie said.

“All positions are available, so anybody who would like to put their hand up, be it for a major role or a minor role, we’re happy to take any expressions of interest.

“Anyone that has an interest in gymnastics or even just community involvement in sport – we’re just looking for people with new ideas and suggestions and help our club continue to grow.”