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Murray River mayor critical of NSW Covid business grants

MURRAY River Council has welcomed the NSW Covid-19 Support Package but says it may be a case of "too little too late".

The state government is offering grants of between $5000 and $10,000 for small businesses, payroll tax deferrals for all employers and an extension of the Dine & Discover program to August 31.

But council says the package doesn't take into account the longevity of border business closures, with many businesses under restrictions for almost 12 months.

"This package has been put together because Sydney-based businesses are in lockdown, but our border businesses have been in limbo for far longer than our metropolitan counterparts," Mayor Cr Chris Bilkey said.

"While it is pleasing that regional businesses can apply if they qualify, it's baffling that we just haven't had the same level of support thrown our way earlier, despite our best advocacy efforts."

Council wants state and federal governments to fund a study of the impact of closures and restrictions on metropolitan, regional and border communities.

"If assistance packages were weighted according to the impact on the different regions, our businesses might finally get the full support they need," Cr Bilkey said.

"Murray border businesses suffer when Covid restrictions are implemented in both Melbourne and Sydney, so our government needs to take a more focused view by treating border community businesses as a standalone sector and deliver more targeted support accordingly."