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Victorian students going back to school

VICTORIAN students will resume face-to-face learning from May 26, as part of the Victorian Government's easing of coronavirus restrictions.

Prep, grades one and two, and years 11 and 12 students will be the first ones allowed back in the classroom.

"This is a staged approach, a staggered approach, both in terms of public health - to limit the number of people that are moving throughout the Victorian community," Premier Daniel Andrews said on Tuesday morning.

Since the start of term two, schools have only been open to vulnerable students and those of essential workers as part of the government's measures to stem the coronavirus spread.

Only about three per cent of students have been attending school in person as a result, Mr Andrews said.

From June 9, years three to 10 will join their schoolmates on campus at government schools.

"I know the last four weeks have been very, very challenging," Mr Andrews said.

There will be some restrictions in place though.

Parents and carers will be prevented from mingling during drop-off and pick-up.

Recess and lunch breaks will be staggered and teachers and staff will be socially distanced.

Children will have to drink only out of their own water bottles, not from fountains.

While coronavirus restrictions are slowly lifting in Victoria, cases are still rising.

There were 17 cases confirmed from Monday, including eight connected to the Cedar Meats cluster.

There are now 1509 confirmed coronavirus cases in Victoria, with two cases removed from the tally.

There were 161,000 tests done in a two week blitz to Sunday done across the state and the results from all those tests are due to be completed soon, Mr Andrews said.

Eighteen people have died in Victoria from the virus.